Storage & services
Beside the transport of artworks, AOM also provides services such as :
- Storage
- Packing
- Installation and Hanging
- Condition reports
- In Belgium or abroad; in our warehouses or on site

AOM offers tailor made conditions of storage :
- Flexible storage options
- Racked storage areas
- Climate-controlled units
- Private storage areas for individual collections

As every artwork is unique, AOM provides adapted packing to each of them to ensure a safe travel.
Installation & hanging

AOM is able to install works of any size, weight, proportion and complexity, and will advise you on the safest way to efficiently install any artwork.
Condition reports
No artwork should ever be shipped out, received, or put in storage without a condition check or, preferably, an accurate condition report.
This last document establishes the item’s condition and is very important for both parties.
Moreover, it is a must-have for a properly insured artwork and it avoids potential discussions.